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Thursday, November 12, 2009

eppy belated burfday!!!

eppy belated burfday to my dear fren farrah!!!!!!!!11/11/1986..santek kan date die born?..secantek orgnyeee..=)
btw,aku nk wish ko smg dipanjangkan umur n sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki...amennnn...cyg ko sgt2!

n da most important things to u syg, is stop crying bcoz of dat idiot guy occay??dah2..xguna pun ko dok ngis sbb laki cmtuh..rmi lg laki kt luar sane yg lbey menghargai ko as perempuan..i know its hard fer u to forget him..as u always said to me dlu..even aku xpernah rse dikecewakan oleh laki but sbg perempuan aku memahami ape ko rse my dear...u deserve to be happy as long as u can forget all da past..aku rse da byk yg aku advices ko bout love story especially bout ko n  ****..n i know i'm da one who knows everything bout ur  love story...n i really appreciated u as my close fren..=)..
siyesly aku xnak tgk ko sdey psl dat guy lg..xnak!da lame ko cmni n aku nk tgk ko eppy yg bkn hipokrit..nk ko eppy mcm before ko knl die..(wpun tyme tu kte xknl lg..hehehe)
even ssh mcm mane skali pun aku yakin now ko da ok sket n better dari dulu..aite??i'll always pray fer u darl!
n one day mesti ur MR RIGHT come to u n heal ol ur sadness..trust me!
aha,i heard dah ade yg berjaya memikat hatimu skrg aite?hehehehe...=)
give him a chance to love n care bout u..=)
xsalah tuk kte bg peluang pada org yg cuba utk hidup dgn kte but make sure he's da one who really n truly understand u very well..nobady's perfect..
cam aku la kn,give ikhsan peluang wpun tetttttt...hehehe...ko pun tau sket2 kn story tu..hehehe..

tp ko jgn bg pluang kt laki seperti J*** tu lak..heheeheh..
tq sbb understand aku...=)

cyg ko!!!selamat ari tua k cyg..
kawen nnt aku nak jd pengapit ko n makesure ko kawen dlu dri aku!hahaha...
sbb nnt klu aku kawen dlu aku da xpat jd pengapit ko sbb nnt pewot da ade isi..hehehehe.=p

eppy byrfday to gurl dlm pic ni (aku amik kt blog ko..heee)
tgk pic ni aku tau ape prasan ko ble pgg beby tu..xmo cdey lg tau!
promise me!


AM SYA said...

gmb last tuh dier edit gune ape eh??

bkn photoscaoe kn??


wanie said...

em,not so sure la sis syasya..
rasenye die gune picnic kot..
akk try search kt internet picnic tu..
one of sofware tuk edit pic..
picnic/piknik..cm tu la..=)